Coral CC
Is a tool to create custom dynamic catalogs in the form of online presentations downloable as PDF. We use your products and collections in your Shopify store.
Target clients
We connect seamlessly with your Shopify store, allowing you to curate the best selection for each client. In order to create your presentation, you can use the search bar or filter by SKU, tag, collection or any related keyword. In addition, you have the flexibility to adjust prices if you target particular clients or wholesalers. After that, all you have to do is to pick a name for the catalog, add a small description and share with your clients!
Catalogs with online access PDF
Our catalogs will be placed live on our website providing you an easy and short URL to share with your clients. All your online catalogs are downloadable at any time.
Keep all your customer's shopping process in one place without being redirected to multiple sites making easier for them to shop. You will receive a draft order inside the Shopify admin page that could be modifiable based on your client needs.
No need to make an invoice is automatically done for you. In addition, you will be notified via email every time this happens!. Then all you have to do is check the order, send the automatically made invoice and close the sale.