A.I. Smart Segments & Insights

A.I. Smart Segments & Insights - shopify app


Maximize retention and repeat purchases with smart segments
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Automatically Segment Buyers

We use A.I. to identify your biggest spenders, customers that we predict might churn, and customers that are ready to buy more


Predict At-Risk Sales

We predict which of your segments' members are likely to churn or make a repeat purchase, letting you target them with relevant messaging


Easily Sync To Klaviyo

Automatically synchronize your segments to Klaviyo, or download customer lists for lookalike retargeting in your ad campaigns


The Best Marketers Use Behavioral Segmentation

Targeted messaging is the best way to engage with customers and grow sales, and behavioral segmentation is the best way to ensure you create targeted messaging for your customers.

Apteo helps you identify, discover, and create segments of customers that are likely to buy more, at risk of churning, big spenders, and more. We use A.I. to help identify behavioral patterns that lead to sales and use those patterns to group your customers based on key behaviors. You can also create your own segments based on rules and conditions that matter the most to you.

With each segment, you'll get the ability to export your customers, synchronize them to Klaviyo, and understand retention.

How You Can Use Apteo

We'll segment your customers into specific groups based on how you can message them to make more money. Take your Big Spenders and send them a thank you email and a 5% discount, or synchronize a list of your at-risk customers and target them with a cross-sale based on our product recommendations. You can even export your customers into a list for lookalike targeting on Facebook.

When you know who your customers are and what they care about, you can drive more sales from them and keep them engaged with your brand.

All Features

  • Smart Segments generated by A.I.
  • Custom segments you can create by specifying rules or conditions or uploading a list
  • Browse and filter your customers based on average order value, date of first purchase, lifetime value, and more
  • View analytics at a segment level to understand how different customers vary across order history, size, retention, and churn
  • Automatic synchronization of your segments to lists on Klaviyo
  • Filter your customers and export them to your email provider or run retargeting ads or create lookalike audiences

See the app in action

Explore how the app works in an example store.

14-day free trial


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