Abandoned Cart Recovery

Abandoned Cart Recovery - shopify app


Abandoned Cart Emails, Facebook Messenger Reminders & Pop-Ups!
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Fully Automatic

Simply install, set, & start watching lost orders roll in.


Best-Practice Defaults

Pre-built & optimized templates that are proven to work.



Add your branding, edit email text & choose your send timing.


Everything you need to prevent abandoned carts

From beautiful abandoned cart emails and Facebook Messenger reminders to simple pop-ups and cross-device carts, this app has everything you need to prevent and save abandoned carts!

Abandoned Cart Emails

Recover sales from abandoned shopping carts with great-looking automated emails that sell.

  • Automate a series of 3 emails
  • Start with best-practice templates and easily customize with a drag-and-drop
  • Automatically pull through product images of the items your customers have left in their cart
  • Include a Check Out button that takes them directly to complete their order
  • Automatically add a discount to your email Check Out button to motivate customers to complete their orders
  • Customize to showcase your store’s branding
  • Choose your emailing schedule or use best-practice defaults

Facebook Messenger Reminders

Allow shoppers to save products to Facebook Messenger then send them messages to remind them later.

  • Automate a series of 3 reminder messages
  • Start with best-practice templates and easily customize your messaging
  • Include links to the items they've saved and a link to complete their order
  • Choose your messaging schedule or use best-practice defaults

Exit-Intent Pop-Up

Convert shoppers who are about to exit your store.

  • Choose when your pop-up shows to shoppers
  • Easily add your store’s branding
  • Add a discount for an extra little nudge to encourage shoppers to make an on-the-spot purchase

Remember Carts Across Devices (Persistant Cart)

Your customers are shopping on multiple devices. Remember logged in shoppers carts across devices to make it easy for them to complete their orders and decrease your store's abandoned carts. Set up in just one click.

Try Free for 14 days

You work hard to get shoppers to your eCommerce store. Don't leave money on the table by ignoring your abandoned carts. Start recovering lost sales and increase your store’s revenue today with a 14 day free trial.

Have more questions? Use our in-app support to get the answers you need. We have friendly support agents ready to help with everything you need to start recovering sales.

See the app in action

Explore how the app works in an example store.

14-day free trial


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