Auto Alt Text

Auto Alt Text - shopify app


Automatically add and optimize all your product image alt text
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Auto Alt Text will analyze all your product images and provide you a list of images that need alt text optimization.


Save time

Save hours manually inputting alt text for your product photos so you can focus on growing your store.


Optimize images for SEO

Get your product images ranked better on search engines. Let your photos do the work for you!


What is Alt Text?

Alt Text, a.ka. Alt Tag or Alt Attribute is an HTML attribute applied to images you upload in your online store. It provides alternative text to help search engines identify what your image is about.

Search engines cannot interpret images. Instead, they rely on Alt Text to understand what the images on your Shopify store are. By adding optimized alt text on your product images, it helps your product pages get indexed and ranked better in various search engines, like Google.

How can Auto Alt Text help you?

Auto Alt Text app will automatically add and/or update all your product images’ alt text based on the format you set in just a matter of minutes.

With our app, you no longer have to spend hours manually updating your product photos’ alt tags. In just a few clicks, you will get optimized alt text that will help boost your search engine rankings.

Auto Alt Text also uses Google AI to identify the color of your products.

How to use Altius?

  • Step 1 – Install the app

Click ‘Add App’ and will automatically analyze your store for you. Take advantage of our 7-day free trial and optimize your image alt text.

  • Step 2 – Review and configure

After analyzing your store, you’ll get an overview of all your images’ alt text and which ones need optimization.

Configure your alt text format with easy to use variables. Choose from ready to use variables such as:

  • Product Title
  • Variant Title
  • Filename
  • Product Type
  • Vendor

  • Step 3 – Optimize your images

OPTIMIZE! With a click of a button, we’ll optimize all your product images’ alt text based on the format you set. Sit tight. Do other tasks while we do the work for YOU.

You can restore your images’ original alt text anytime.

See the app in action

Explore how the app works in an example store.

7-day free trial


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