Call Courier

Call Courier - shopify app


Smart Deliveries
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Delivering with Digitization

Engage the Call Courier through an app to expand your deliveries.


Automated Order Fulfillment

Reduce the manpower by one click of order fulfillment.


Customer Satisfaction

Add security and agility into your deliveries to win customer loyalty.


Spending a lot of time to fulfill each order manually? This problem is solved now! With our app, you can do bulk order fulfillment and CN(consignment number) generation in few clicks which reduces the human effort and chances of errors.

App Features: 1. Order synchronization: Update you each second. Call courier app will sync the placed order on real time. It also updates you the 50 to 250 order statuses in one go.

  1. Consignment number generation & order fulfillment: Expedite your process. In Call Courier app consignment number generation is not a single feature it will give you one step ahead. CN generation will lead you to the order fulfillment and change the fulfillment status into fulfilled.

  2. Courier invoice: Free from hassle. Before this app, you manually get the courier invoice. Welcome to the automation era. You can generate the bulk Call Courier invoice in our application with the single click for your order processing operations.

  3. Track your order: Customer Loyalty. Now you can track your customer order after dispatch. Call courier will provide you with each update against your customer order.

  4. Call courier statistics: Build a relationship. Call courier is transparent in its relationship with you. It will provide you with the figure of CN generated by Call Courier service.

  5. Logs: Accountable for each step. This app will update you each action has taken on the order of your customer with time and date parameters. You can track each flaw in a second.

  6. Reports: Investigate your progress. This app will give a detailed description to stick you on your set goal track.

See the app in action

Explore how the app works in an example store.


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