Crazy Egg

Crazy Egg - shopify app

Crazy Egg

Increase sales by knowing where & why your shoppers get stuck.
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Crazy Egg

See Why People Aren’t Buying

Understand where people are scrolling, clicking, spending time, and getting stuck with Snapshot Reports, Session Recordings, and Surveys.


Fix What's Broken. Test Ideas.

Run quick, simple, effective A/B Tests that accelerate sales. Easily test new CTAs, images, and copy with just the click of a button.


Do It All in 15 Minutes-a-Week

Get powerful insights and make impactful changes in 15-30 minutes a week. Spend less time chasing data and more time running your store.


Since 2005, Crazy Egg has helped hundreds of thousands of website owners pay attention to every website visitor, so they can get the most out of every website visit.

Hundreds of Shopify customers use Crazy Egg every day to answer questions like:

  • What’s my biggest missed opportunity that will drive sales?
  • How are people navigating across pages and where are they dropping off?
  • How are my paid campaigns performing relative to organic, social, and email?

How do I get started?

With our native Shopify integration, you can install Crazy Egg with the click of a button.

What’s included in my Crazy Egg subscription?

  • Heatmaps

Crazy Egg created the web-based heatmap and has the most robust visual reporting on the market. Every subscription today comes with five (5) different visual reports: Heatmaps show you where people click | Scrollmaps show you where people scroll and spend time | Confetti lets you filter and segment clicks | List lets you cross-reference clicks in a single table view | Overlay lets you drill down into every click on every element on your site.

  • Visitor Recordings/Session Replays

Video playback of individual user journeys on your site. Watch mobile, tablet, and desktop users interact with your content and navigate across your pages. See if there are any issues with your UX.

  • Surveys

Our SurveyMonkey integration brings the best Survey and Qualitative Research Tools into Crazy Egg. You’re one click away from launching polls and surveys to people on your store.

  • A/B Testing

Crazy Egg is unique and differentiated because we give you the ability to test new ideas and make changes via our A/B Testing tool. Data is no longer enough. We believe you need to be able to act on it — quickly.

  • WYSIWYG Editor

Use the Crazy Egg WYSIWYG Editor to make changes to your site, without needing a complex CMS or an Engineer to help you push your changes live.

What’s different about Crazy Egg?

  • We focus on Tracked Pageviews, not every visit to your site.

Even if you have a site with 1,000,000 visitors, you'll only be charged for the Traffic that comes to the pages that you choose to track. No need to add and remove code from your site to manage costs.

  • Crazy Egg plans come with 1-2 years of historical data.

30 days of data history isn’t enough, especially for ecommerce companies who have seasonal fluctuations and want to compare performance against past months and even years.

  • We believe you should be able to do all of the above in 15-30 minutes a week.

We’ve designed Crazy Egg to get you maximum value and return with minimal time and effort. This helps you transform your business while giving you the time to focus on helping your customers, generating more sales, and growing your business.

See the app in action

Explore how the app works in an example store.

14-day free trial


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SB: FAQ & Ask a question

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