Discount Product Feed

Discount Product Feed - shopify app

Angular Wave

Enable discount codes for your product catalog via the URL
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Angular Wave

Easy Product Feed Generation

Create a product feed of all your products in just a few clicks.


Apply Discounts Automatically

Create discounts within the app and have them applied to all the products in your Facebook product Catalog.


Multiple Feed

Create a no discount feed as well as discount feeds which you can use for different ads on Facebook.


Increase sales & decrease your checkout abandonment!

• Do you use Facebook dynamic product ads?

• Does your retargeting have a high checkout abandonment rate?

• Have you given your customers discounts through retargeting ads but they haven't used them despite coming back to the site?

Discount Product Feed resolves this exact issue by removing the additional step of having the prospective buyer inputting the discount code manually and instead having it automatically applied through the URL.

How it works

If you're familiar with permalink Shopify discounts then you'll know how powerful they can be. We took this same concept of applying discounts via a URL and applied them to product feed URLs. Discount Product Feeds allows you to use non-discounted feeds also with the option to create unlimited feed options (discounted or otherwise). These are particularly useful for retargeting with discount codes but even moreso during big sales events where the checkout abandonment tends to be particuarly high.

App Features

• Creates a product feed for the products on your store

• Unlimited product variants for each product

• Create discounts within the app with custom discount codes and value

• Discounts automatically applied at the checkout for all the Facebook catalog products

See the app in action

Explore how the app works in an example store.

14-day free trial


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