FAST Product Color Swatch

FAST Product Color Swatch - shopify app


Link products of different colors. Ready for Online Store 2.0.
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Easy to use

Familiar and simple interface. Easy to create and manage swatches.


No speed impact

The app won't slow down your product page.


Works with all themes

Compatible with both Vintage and Online Store 2.0 themes.


FAST Product Color Swatch allows you to add color swatch to product page. Instead of variants, the app uses products to create swatches. Every product can have different color, title, description, price, and image. It makes this approach very flexible.


  • Create swatches of one or two colors
  • Customize swatch label, style, and size
  • Add as many colors to swatch as you want
  • Compatible with Online Store 2.0 and Vintage themes
  • Optimized for speed
  • Automated installation

How it works

  1. Create group of products
  2. Add products and assign color to each one
  3. Color swatch will appear on product pages


I built this app with speed in mind. It doesn't load additional JS to your page. Swatch data are stored in metafields and loaded directly from the liquid. It makes color swatches very fast and they feel like a native part of the theme (no flickering or layout shifts).


The app installation is automated. You only need to pick a theme where you want to install color swatch in settings. No manual coding is required.

Human support

I personally reply to all support requests and do my best to help you. You can contact support via live chat inside the app or by email. The max response time is 24 hours but usually, it's much faster.

See the app in action

Explore how the app works in an example store.

7-day free trial


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