Fixed Add To Cart Bar PRO

Fixed Add To Cart Bar PRO - shopify app


Fixed/Sticky Add To Cart Button + Quick Buy + Sticky Cart
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Fixed/Sticky Add to Cart Bar

Improve your store's shopping experience with a Sticky Add to Cart Button, increase conversion rate, and sell more.


Quick Buy On Product Listing

Allow your customers to purchase from listing pages (Home page, Product Listing, Collection pages, Recommended widget, etc.)


Reduce Cart Abandonment

The sticky cart button can directly go checkout by skipping the cart page, in order to reduce cart abandonment rate and generate sales.


Fixed/Sticky Add to Cart button is essential in the customer buying process. One click checkout. You have to make sure your potential customers can easily access that button when they want. As the default "Add to Cart" button will disappear while visitors keep scrolling down the page.

An easily accessible "Add to Cart" button smooths the buying process for your customers as they can add products to cart simpler than before. This encourages them to add more products to their cart as it is easy to do so. It may double your sales as they can easily buy from you than ever before.

Sticky Checkout bar/button

Improve user experience and increase checkout rate by showing always visible Checkout button to your customers on the Cart page!

Sticky Cart

A floating cart that's always visible making it easier for your customers to checkout!

Quick Buy button

Buy button that is added to product listings. It allows your customers to buy directly from product listings (whether on the homepage, collection pages, recommendation widgets etc…)!

Why should I use this app?

Because you want to make it as easy as possible for your customers to make a PURCHASE. It became standard practice for enhancing customer experience and increasing conversions.


  • Sticky Add To Cart bar for easier add-to-carts
  • Sticky Cart for reducing cart abandonment
  • Quick Buy button for quickly adding to cart related products and products listed on non-product pages
  • Sticky Checkout Bar/Button for making it easier for your customers to checkout and improving overall user experience
  • Automatically inherits your shop's style. It makes it looks like a native part of the theme.
  • Still you can easily customize it to make that ATC button stand out even more Attention-grabbing button animations
  • Cart page skipped and go directly to Checkout feature (product A added to cart and customer wants to instantly checkout on product B, the full cart with both A and B product is included at checkout)
  • Mobile-first design
  • Unlimited impressions and clicks
  • Works with slide-out/popup carts
  • No coding or developers needed

See the app in action

Explore how the app works in an example store.

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