
GiveGet - shopify app

Zellmo Creative

Turn one customer into two customers.
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Increase sales

Enable your customers to help you get more customers. They will get a discount code for giving a discount code. Win Win!


Simple setup. No code install

GiveGet uses Shopify's new Checkout API to seamlessly integrate with your store. Just set the amount you want to give for the referral.


Simple Metrics

Quickly tell if GiveGet is working for you. You'll be able to see the total number of discounts sent out by your customers.


Enable your customers to help you succeed

GiveGet enables a post-purchase checkout experience by offering customers the ability to send their friends and family discount codes for future purchases. They get to share the store they love and also get a discount code themselves. This will increase store sales and crowd-source marketing for your store!

Its a Win-Win for your customers and yourself!

Three easy steps:

  1. Install GiveGet onto your Shopify store
  2. Configure your promotion.
  3. Your customers are now incentivized to tell their friends and come back again!

Simple promotion builder:

Customize your promotion to your brand tone and feel with our simple promotion builder. Easily set a discount that makes sense for you and your customers.

Automated discount creation and reporting:

Once your customers accepts the offer, discount codes are automatically created and sent to your customer and their friend. You can report on the number of discounts sent out via the GiveGet dashboard.

Add to your email list:

Once your customer sends the discount. The customer's email and their friend's email are automatically added to your email list.

Get started and turn one customer into two customers with GiveGet.

See the app in action

Explore how the app works in an example store.

7-day free trial


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.







Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

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