iziGift  | Custom Gift Cards

iziGift | Custom Gift Cards - shopify app

Axel Hardy

Create beautiful digital gift cards in a few clicks !
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Axel Hardy

Beautiful Gift Cards

Choose between 10+ pre-made gift card templates. Your customers will finally get the digital gift cards experience they deserve.


Easy to Use

Everything is done automatically for you. In just 2 clicks, your personalized gift card is created and can be purchased by your customers!


Optimized Checkout Experience

Once purchased, your customers will see a new button on their order confirmation page to download their beautiful gift card in one click!


Selling gift cards has never been easier

Thanks to our user friendly interface, you will be able to generate and sell beautiful gift cards in just a few clicks.

Pick a gift card template, set up your product details and it's done! When your customers will purchase your newly created gift card product, they will instantly be able to download it and all the details you set up will be printed on it!

How does it work?

1 - You create a gift card in the app

Create a gift card directly through the app interface and pick one of our 10+ pre-made gift card template.

2 - Your customers see the gift card as a product on your store

Once created, your customers can instantly purchase your newly created gift card product on your store

3 - Done! Your customers can purchase it!

When your customers purchase a gift card you created in the app, they will instantly see a button on their order confirmation page to download their beautiful gift card with your store name, the gift card value and the gift card code automatically printed on it!

Of course, the gift cards generated by the app after your customers have purchased them can then be spent on your store using the "gift card code" field on checkout.


  • Just two clicks to create a customized and purchasable gift card
  • The gift card product you create will automatically use the template you picked as the product images
  • Pick from 10+ beautiful and pre-made gift card templates
  • Your store name, the gift card value and the gift card code are automatically printed on the template you picked
  • Customize the look & feel of the order confirmation page download button
  • Want to use your own gift card template? No problem, send it to us and we will integrate it for you into the app!
  • In app chat with replies guaranteed within 10 hours max if you need support or have any questions

See the app in action

Explore how the app works in an example store.

7-day free trial


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