Lara Google Analytics

Lara Google Analytics - shopify app

XtraOrbit Web Development SRL

Google Analytics widget for your admin dashboard.
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Without leaving your store admin area, view visitors sessions, countries, operating systems and other Google Analytics metrics, along with your store orders and revenue, all on the same graph, giving you a complete view of your store status.

Simply choose a date range (defaults to the last 30 days), type of orders to track (according to order status, fulfillment status .. etc.), and you will have all data presented on a simple, single graph.

Remember that time when you had an unexpected spike in sales, and you didn't know what caused it ? .. From now on, whenever that happens, you will have a full overview of that period.

This app will help you to answer the following important questions :

  • How many orders were placed, paid and fulfilled in that period ?
  • Which keywords were used to find your store on Google search ?
  • Which countries sent you the most customers ?
  • How long did they stay on your store ?
  • Which pages received the most views ?

With all the above and other important metrics provided by the app, in one single place, you will have a better chance of knowing what might have caused that spike in sales.

All orders data are collected directly from Shopify's API, which means that you will always see the latest orders data, without the need to add custom eCommerce tracking code to your storefront.

This is not all, as the app comes with a complete permission system, which lets you decide, who views what. Do you want staff members or collaborators to access some analytics metrics without giving them access to your Google Analytics account ? .. With the app's built in permission system, now you can.

Full features list :

  • Easy To Setup, with Express Setup you'll be up and running in no time.
  • Full access to the most important Google Analytics metrics ( Sessions, Users, Page views, % New Sessions, Bounce Rate, avg. Session Duration, Page views/Session).
  • Store orders displayed on the same graph, with the ability to filter by order status, financial status and fulfillment status.
  • Real Time monitor of your shop's visitors.
  • Keywords used to find your shop on Google search ( provided by Google Search Console).
  • Traffic sources.
  • Most visited pages.
  • Countries of your shop visitors.
  • Browsers and their versions.
  • Languages.
  • Operating Systems and their versions.
  • Screen Resolutions.
  • Permission system, to control the widget use and tabs per user type.

See the app in action

Explore how the app works in an example store.

14-day free trial


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