LiveRecover SMS Cart Recovery

LiveRecover SMS Cart Recovery - shopify app


SMS Abandoned Cart Recovery Powered by Live Texting Agents
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Abandoned Cart Recovery

Our agents engage in real-time personalized conversations with your customers who abandon their cart via text message.


Human Powered Text Messages

We answer your customers questions, offer discounts, and inspire them to take action and complete their purchase.


Your SMS Marketing Experts

Why didn't they complete their purchase? The more you know about what your customers want, like, and dislike, the better you can serve them.


Why LiveRecover SMS Cart Recovery? LiveRecover sends human-powered text messages from your Shopify store to customers that abandoned cart and convert them into sales. Live SMS conversations with customers allow for upsell opportunities, answering support questions, and generating more sales.

Retargeting your abandoned cart sales to provide live chat support via text message is crucial. SMS is the #1 growing sales channel for marketing and support. Upsells, subscriptions, checkout, and cart recovery can all be utilized over SMS/text.

LiveRecover – Human-powered text message sales team

LiveRecover helps eCommerce stores recover abandoned carts over text message. There's a lot of Shopify apps that promise to help you recover abandoned carts. You'll pay a monthly fee to use those apps, and they'll get to work emailing your customers.

Sure, you might get some customers to come back and buy with emails, but text messages beat email conversion rates, straight up, every time.

You can't text all of your abandoned carts because, well, that just doesn't scale. And who has the time?

Instead, LiveRecover's human-powered sales team will text your customers that abandon cart for you, converting carts into sales. SMS marketing powered by humans.

The Human Touch That Brings Them Back

Most customers have no interest in receiving messages from automated bots. That's why LiveRecover makes use of both text messages and real conversations with real human beings.

Our sales team starts a conversation with your customers to reclaim their interest and get them back into their carts. We answer your customers' questions, offer discounts, and inspire them to take action and complete their purchase.

Gain Insights Into Your Customer Base

The more you know about what your customers want, like, and dislike, the better you can serve them. LiveRecover's interactive features help you gain insights into your customers even as you gain revenue that might otherwise be lost.

With every conversation, we gather valuable data that can inform every aspect of your online sales strategy. You'll get better and better at selling to your target market — one conversation at a time.

Coming soon: Bold Subscription, Gorgias

See the app in action

Explore how the app works in an example store.

14-day free trial


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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

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Kevy eCommerce Marketing

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.



Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.



Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

