Message Mate Texting Platform

Message Mate Texting Platform - shopify app

OwnerListens Inc

Use texting to facilitate delivery and curbside pickup
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Save hours on customer support

Text customers back directly from cell, email, slack, or helpdesk using a business number


Enable touchless transactions

Texting is the easiest way to coordinate touchless delivery and pickup, critical in COVID-19 lockdown areas.


Earn more great reviews

Use automation to ask customers who loved your product for a positive review or social follow. Send offers to opt in to marketing lists.


SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Message Mate is perfect for coordinating deliveries and curbside pick up during COVID-19 lockdowns. If your business is suffering due to COVID-19, use discount code TOGETHER for 25% off for 12 months.

Message Mate is an elegant widget that makes it easy for customers to text you with one click!

Texting is the best way to scale customer support, cultivate happy customers, & build a highly engaged list

All this without creating an unreasonable and expensive load on your operations like phones or live chat do

What You Get

  • Text enable your existing business number, or a new virtual number customers can text
  • Texts are forwarded to your helpdesk, email, cellphone, and a web dashboard
  • Ultimate convenience. Reply from anywhere by simply texting back. Waste less time on long emails or chats
  • Incoming texts can be sent to multiple people or connected to helpdesks such as Zendesk,, etc.
  • Auto replies for off hours
  • Templates for common questions

There's More

  • Follow on review & social requests. Automatically ask happy customers for reviews or FB/IG follows
  • IMAGE Support (optional). Contact us and we'll set you up with an image supported number if you need one
  • Integration with Facebook Messenger (optional). Reply to Messenger without having to be in FB Messenger/Pages
  • Widget’s colors and text are customizable to match your site
  • Support from developers who love customer service
  • Set up your widget in 37 seconds
  • NEW! Text marketing lists. Build a texting list for your VIP customers. We handle legal opt in and out.

Main Benefits

  • Reduce load of customer service calls/emails/live chat – whether you're solo or a team of 100s, texting will make you more efficient
  • Unlike live chat, you get the customer's direct contact info even when your team is not online to reply
  • Handle service faster with less hassle – text responses are shorter and take much less time than emails. Use our templates for even faster results
  • Maximize revenues from existing store traffic. Get those on the fence shoppers to reach out
  • Insanely high customer satisfaction – Customers rave about stores that text with them
  • More great reviews – Use our automated workflow to ask happy customers to write a review or follow you on social media
  • Build a text marketing list and send offers that actually get read. Don't you read all your texts?
  • Texting creates an authentic connection. Email, calls, live chat, or lord help us, contact forms, are annoying. Texts create a positive energy around your brand

Great brands like the SF 49ers & Man Crates text with us. How about yours?

See the app in action

Explore how the app works in an example store.

14-day free trial


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