Multifeeds for Google Shopping

Multifeeds for Google Shopping - shopify app


Multilingual feed - multiple currencies feed for multi-domains
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Smart rule based feed settings

Create high quality feeds by setting feed data (Google product category, etc) based on product data (e.g "title includes a specific word")


Multi language/currency feeds

Create multi-currency and multilingual (translated) feeds. Support multiple TLDs (top level domains) of internationalized Shopify stores.


Feed formats for all channels

Support Content API and XML, TSV, CSV formats for Google Shopping, Bing, Facebook Ads and Pinterest. Custom feeds for other ads platforms.


Google Shopping, Bing Shopping, Facebook Product Ads, Pinterest and more

The more channels, the more sales. Support both file feeds (with a feed URL) and Google Content API feeds. File feeds support Bing Shopping, Facebook Product Ads and Pinterest. Custom feeds for any other platforms. All major file feed formats, CSV, TSV and XML, are supported.

Multilingual/multi-currencies product feeds

A localized store is only good if you can show ads in the supported locales. With this app you can create feeds that are multilingual and multi-currency, using Shopify compatible translator apps including Langify, LangShop, etc.. Multiple domains per store is supported.

Rule-based feed configuration

Having a diversified portfolio? Rule-based settings get you covered. Set the Google category to "Shirts & Tops" if the product title includes the word "shirt" and set it to "Shoes" if it includes the word "shoe" – can be done easily.

Robust feed builder

Feed configurations for different ads platforms can be overwhelming. The app's wizard-based feed builder help you browse through sophisticated feed data settings and focus on the important ones.

Feed updates

Content API feeds are updated instantly after making changes to any of the product data (price, stock status, etc). File feeds are updated daily. Multi-currency feeds are updated automatically with Shopify currency rate changes. No more annoying "Insufficient match of micro-data price information" error messages.

Fully customizable feed data fields for better SEO

You can customize all the available feed data fields, not limited to title and description for your SEO target.

Google Shopping expert support

The app is developed with expertise in Google Merchant Center and Google Shopping. It allow you to extend to all the markets that are supported by Google, including the latest one on the Google beta list. Language and currency match are automatic based on Google requirements.

Easily connect your shop to Merchant Center using Content API

Although not mandatory, you can connect your store to a Google Account, using either a Google account or a service account file. Once connected, you can create Content API feeds, leveraging Google Content API to synchronize your shop tax and shipping settings to Google Merchant Center, update product changes instantly and viewing instant feedback about feed quality. Create feeds for all of your store's domains, and connect them to different dedicated Merchant Accounts.

Categorize products into multiple feeds and variants selection

Select products to be included in feeds by Shopify collections and get charged for only the number of products made available for the feeds. Variants are free to be included. You can choose to include all variants, or specific variants.

See the app in action

Explore how the app works in an example store.

7-day free trial


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