Omega ‑ Multi Snapchat Pixels

Omega ‑ Multi Snapchat Pixels - shopify app


Install Snapchat Pixel, Measure more conversions events
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One-click Snap pixel setup

Input Snap Pixel ID and track Snapchatters actions on your website in just one click.


Multi-pixel tracking

Add multiple pixel IDs to your store to track conversions, target different audiences, and manage multiple marketing activities


Track the campaign performance

Optimize your campaigns delivery with conversion metrics from Snapchat Pixel


About Snapchat Multi Pixels

The number of users of Snapchat is very impressive coming with great opportunities for product advertising on this instant messaging app.

Snap Pixel lets you see what actions Snapchatters take after they swipe up or tap the CTA on your ad. By placing the Snap Pixel code on your website, it allows you to track actions taken on your website, so you can measure campaign impact and optimize accordingly. customers.

Seamlessly Install Snap Pixel code

The Snapchat Multi Pixels app allows you to add a single or multiple Snapchat pixel IDs to your store without needing any coding knowledge, get over the headache and spend your time optimizing your campaigns.

Multiple pixels are helpful for you. Why?

  • If merchants work with multiple agencies, you will need multiple pixels to manage the performance of each agency.
  • There are various pages and products on your site which you need to separate the data and metrics to deliver your ads to the right audience
  • The pixel data is a valuable business asset, so you need to keep it safe with backup pixels which are helpful for you if one of the accounts get into problems

Basic data tracking

Snapchat Pixel lets you track all basic events such as Purchase, Page view, View content, Add cart, Sign up, and Search to help merchants create native, shareable content and analyze which content performs best.

Install our app today and find out how easy it is to start tracking user actions!

See the app in action

Explore how the app works in an example store.


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