
Payloader - shopify app

Payloader, Inc.

Monitor the health of your commerce engine
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Intelligent Alerting

Our models and algorithms monitor the health of your most important KPIs, notifying you of changes, issues or opportunities.


Real-time Notifications

Once an alert is triggered, notifications are delivered immediately via Slack.


Set custom alerts

Set conditions and thresholds around the KPI's of your choice. Break out at the country level or by connection source.


Monitor the health of your commerce engine with a real-time analytics and alerting solution.

Payloader is an analytics and alerting tool for online commerce. Add connections with e-commerce platforms, payment providers and other commerce tools to access a unified, managed source of your commerce data.

After setup, Payloader monitors the health and performance of your commerce engine triggering intelligent alerts and insights covering conversion, revenue, fraud and other KPI's.

See the app in action

Explore how the app works in an example store.

14-day free trial


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