
PentryForms - shopify app


Abandoned Checkout & Abandoned Cart Recovery
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Order Page Recovery

Every time a visitor starts filling out an order form on your store, our tool captures it and sends all data to the dashboard.


Checkout Abandonment Recovery

Capture checkout form data from those who abandon ship before hitting the 'Submit' button. Send emails & recover leads.


Abandoned Cart Recovery

We capture all data user enters on your store and send it to you so you could contact them and recover lost leads.


Shoping Cart & Checkout Abandonment Recovery

The challenge with abandoned cart recovery recently is that all eCommerce businesses are using the same tried-and-tested methods and same plugins. The average store recovers their abandoned carts using a simple "abandoned cart recovery plugin". All of those plugins allow you to contact users who already have registered on your website. But you can go further and use our advanced features like checkout form abandonment recovery, abandoned registration recovery, and more. Our tool captures user activity on your website and allows you to contact visitors who started to fill out the checkout form but didn't click on the "Submit" button.

Conversion Rates

Improve your conversion rates by capturing real-time data from visitors who didn’t complete the checkout form before hitting the submit button. Improve the success rate of order pages, checkout forms, lead generations, and more. With our app, you can contact visitors who didn’t complete the forms to see if they need assistance, send them friendly reminders, coupon codes, or promotions.

Recover Lost Leads

Every uncompleted form is a missed opportunity and a loss in revenue. With our app you can send emails, schedule automatic mailings, send reminders, to visitors who added items into the cart, started to fill out the order form, but for some reason closed the checkout page.

Improve UX - Sell More

What makes people click away? Is there something wrong with the checkout form or the checkout process is too long? We will help you find all the weak points in your store from checkout pages to contact forms. Our advanced analytics will help you improve your store and make the checkout process fast and easy.

See the app in action

Explore how the app works in an example store.

14-day free trial


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