Persistent Cart

Persistent Cart - shopify app

Customer First focus

Let customers shop multiple devices without losing their cart.
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Automatically ties carts to ac

Persistent Cart automatically ties shopping carts with accounts to prevent customers from losing their shopping carts.


Intuitive for customers

Persistent Cart works in the background and provides an intuitive shopping experience that customers have come to expect.


Easy Install, Pays for Itself

Persistent Cart is the easiest app to install and usually pays for itself in 1-2 days for most stores.


Persistent Cart (a top 5 Forbes-recommended Shopify App) increases the number of sales, average purchase size, and customer retention by making sure customers never lose their shopping carts.

What Shopping is like WITHOUT Persistent Cart:

Let’s say Jim is shopping at work on your store and has 5 items in his shopping cart. Then he gets on a bus to go home and loads your site on his phone. He logs in, only to find a sad and empty shopping cart. He tries to remember what he was going to buy and struggles to add some items to his cart. When he gets home, he hops on his home computer, logs into your store and finds his shopping cart empty again. He gives up, and you lose a sale.

What shopping is like WITH Persistent Cart:

When Jim is on the bus and logs into your site, his cart automatically loads with the 5 items he added while he was at work. Let’s say he adds 2 more items while he’s on the bus. When he gets home and logs in on his home computer, he’ll have all 7 items in his cart. He can then continue shopping and is much more likely to make a purchase, and his purchase will be bigger. He's also a much happier customer and more likely to shop again on your site.

See the difference immediately, a quick experiment

Navigate to your store. Log into an account like a customer and add some items to your cart. Then go to a different device or browser and log in. Your original cart will be gone. Install the Persistent Cart free trial by pressing the green "Get" button above, and try the same thing. You won't lose your shopping cart.

Customers and Shop Owners Love Persistent Cart

  • Better Shopping Experience: More than half e-commerce shoppers shop on multiple devices, and unfortunately, these customers lose their carts each time they switch devices on your site. Persistent cart prevents this and gives your store much more professional and convenient shopping experience.

  • Privacy: Customers expect their shopping carts to be empty when they log out because they value privacy. With Persistent Cart, your shopping cart will finally respect your customer's privacy.

  • Fast and Robust: Persistent cart makes sure that your customer's cart is synced to his or her account within a second of any shopping cart changes.

See the app in action

Explore how the app works in an example store.

30-day free trial


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