Pricing By Country & Currency

Pricing By Country & Currency - shopify app

Webrex Studio

Multi country pricing, Double Profit, Shipping Rate, Converter
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Up to 3x Profit

Increase revenue & profit by setting pricing for different countries in different currencies with our app.


International Free Shipping

Set Shipping inclusive pricing & offer free shipping for international customers.


Save expense and headache

Manage higher and lower prices in different countries with our app. Saves expense & headache of creating new stores for different countries


why we?

  1. Set different prices for different countries
  2. Multiple currencies checkout with Shopify Payments
  3. Right away app access. Don't need store access
  4. Inbuilt Currency Convert with many options
  5. Superfast
  6. Bulk product enable and disable the option

Our app Use case:

  • Manage higher and lower prices in different countries with our app. Saves expense & headache of creating new stores for different countries
  • By using our app you can set higher or lower product prices for different countries. You Increase revenue & profit by increasing prices for different countries.
  • You can add a shipping rate to the product price for different country offer free shipping for international customers.
  • Same like a shipping rate you can setup tax-inclusive price for different country
  • By decreasing price for some country you can improve your conversion rate by 2-3%

What we do?

When a customer visits your store we detect customer country and based on that we show the price for the same country.

Features provides:

  • Increase or decrease the price by country
  • Set up price rounding rules country or currency wise
  • Set up the manual exchange rate
  • Advanced currency formatting settings
  • Checkout in user’s currency while using Shopify's default payment gateway
  • Automatic Inventory management (When you use our app create an extra variant that's the way your inventory increased. But we Automatic reduce your inventory when we get an order)

App Support:

  • Video/screen-sharing help when required.
  • Live Chat Support
  • We are IST TimeZone. Support is sometimes getting delay if we are sleeping.

App Setup:

  • We give right away access
  • We already have a video tutorial on how to use and set up our app
  • If didn't get how to use just leave us a message on our support. We will get back to you right away if we are live or as soon as possible.

How to uninstall?

To make our app work we generate variants, So before you uninstall our app, remove all variants from our app. don't forget to remove this from our app before you uninstall our app.

See the app in action

Explore how the app works in an example store.

21-day free trial


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