Quest Hunt Email Popup Game

Quest Hunt Email Popup Game - shopify app


Treasure hunt. Coins and discounts for users. Free Plan too.
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Improve Sign-up Rates

See an increase in e-mail addresses as users sign-up to hunt for coins


Drive Customer Engagement

Engage with your customers through games. See them return often and spend more time on your shop


Showcase The Right Products

Send 'foot-fall' to the products that you want to showcase


Quest is a digital treasure-hunting game that engages and delights your customers. It also let's you collect emails to do marketing.

Gamifying user journeys leads to higher customer loyalty, more time spent on your site, emails being captured and an improved conversion rates for the products you want to feature.

Wouldn’t it be great if your customers

  • Felt a personal connection to your site
  • Provided you with their email addresses
  • Spent time exploring your site (especially products you want them to focus on)

Quest can make that happen by…

  • Turning your store into a treasure hunt
  • Providing a way for you to interact with your customers (you provide hints/clues & they find them)
  • Providing an additional way to accelerate sales of particular items (maybe its excess inventory you want to off-load)
  • Increasing engagement & conversion by tapping into your customers’ sub-conscious biases. For example:
  1. Effort anchoring: Customers who have spent time on the treasure hunt tend believe that they earned the prize. This also makes them more likely to follow-through till checkout
  2. Suspense: Curiosity about hints & prizes leads users to sign-up to your site


  • Easy set-up (plus we can help)
  • Full control over discounts & prizes offered
  • Ability to add only the products that you’d like
  • No UI changes other than an “Add to Chest” button

See the app in action

Explore how the app works in an example store.


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