Reputon Testimonials Widget

Reputon Testimonials Widget - shopify app


Show testimonials, references & recommendations, social proof
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Show testimonials with photos

Show testimonials by real people on website. Many styles include: slider, cards, list, rotator, carousel, grid.


Trust for your brand

References from real people with real photos create trust and assure your customers to recognize and accept your brand much faster.


Boost sales with social proof

Boost social proof and sales with five-star references from real people. Proven way to increase customer loyalty and boost sales!


Your customers don't trust your business?

Reputon Testimonials app is here to help! The people’s buying decisions are influenced by recommendations and references — which only underscores the importance of publishing the official opinions of your customers.

Reputon Testimonials app will help you improve your site trust, reputation and social proof by displaying awesome recommendations widgets on your website. Add references with photos to your Shopify website in one click.

You will see the effect from your Reputon Testimonials Widget from the day one.

How it works:

  1. Add recommendations into the app together with customer's picture, company name, social link and position (the more data you provide the more appealing and assuring your testimonials will look).
  2. Choose widget type of your choice (Slider, Cards, List, Rotator, Carousel, Grid, Customer Story).
  3. Choose page and location for your widget (top or bottom of the page).
  4. Enjoy your widget!

You would usually ask your customer for a testimonial. Always make sure that the customer provides honest experience with your business and gives you permission to publish some of his private data (photo, socials, company).

See the app in action

Explore how the app works in an example store.

7-day free trial


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