
SpeedAudits - shopify app


Are you faster than your competition?
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Compare with Competitors

Track and compare to check if your store's site provides a faster experience than your competitors.


See Live Screenshots

With SpeedAudits you can view screenshots of your store versus your competitors stores to see how fast it loads in real time


Measure Important Metrics

SpeedAudits measures important metrics at each stage of your customers journey and compares it with your competitors websites


Are you faster than your competition?

See how your site speed checks out against your competitors with a side by side comparison. This is useful for checking if you are providing a better experience for your customers than your competitors.

Everyone (including Google) loves a fast website.

No one likes a slow loading site. On top of that Google has also announced that they are using speed a ranking metric for websites. Many of your customers find you via Google. So a slow loading website will not only give your customers a poor user experience, but can also hurt your Google rankings.

Speed equals revenue.

If you continuously monitor your sites speed metrics against your competitors, you can ensure that you provide a faster experience for your customers – leading to more happy customers, and more revenue.

See the app in action

Explore how the app works in an example store.

14-day free trial


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