Traffic Reports & Email Alerts

Traffic Reports & Email Alerts - shopify app


Simple, No GDPR, Privacy Friendly, Analytics & Spike Alerts
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Simple Metrics

Get all the valuable and actionable website traffic metrics at a glance in a simple and modern web analytics dashboard with email reports.


Light Weight Script

Bloated analytics scripts can slow down your store. Traffic Reports adds <1KB page weight. That’s smaller than Google analytics.


Privacy Focused

Built with privacy of your customers in mind. No need to annoy them with a cookie/GDPR consent banner or harvest data for your competitors.


Traffic Reports For Shopify

Simple, privacy focused alternative to Google Analytics

Frustrated with Google Analytics because its frustrating to use, difficult to understand, slow to load and privacy-invasive too. Time for a switch. Traffic Reports for Shopify is easy to understand and it cuts through the noise. Check your store traffic and get all the essential insights on one page in one minute. There are no layers of menus, there is no need for you to build custom reports, custom dashboards or PowerPoint documents.

No need for cookie banners or GDPR, CCPA and PECR consent

Traffic Reports For Shopify is privacy-friendly analytics. All the site measurement is carried out absolutely anonymously. Cookies are not used and no personal data is collected. There are no persistent identifiers. No cross-site or cross-device tracking either. Your site data is not used for any other purposes.

Weekly & monthly email alerts for your store traffic summary and traffic spikes

Be up to date about your store traffic data with weekly and monthly email reports. Gone are the days of actively scouring the dashboard. You take care of your site and we keep you up to date with your site traffic reports.

Lightweight script that keeps your site speed fast

The app script is smaller than the Google Analytics script. Your store weight will be cut down, your store site will load faster and you'll reduce your carbon footprint for a greener and more sustainable web.

Track events, goal conversions and campaigns

Segment the data by any metric you click on. Answer the important questions about your visitors, content and referral sources. Analyze paid campaigns and dark traffic using UTM parameters. Track outbound link clicks and 404 error pages. Create custom events, see how they convert over time and identify trends that matter.

See the app in action

Explore how the app works in an example store.


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