Wiremo: Product, Photo Reviews

Wiremo: Product, Photo Reviews - shopify app


Collect product reviews and analyze reviews sentiment using AI
Have a question about this product? Ask the Maker


Automated Review Request

Automated Review Request is the easiest way to collect reviews from your customers. Every purchase should get a review. Don't waste on SEO!


Review Triggers

Triggers helps you with auto-reply to reviews, show a pop-up, give a promo code or get in touch via our conversation tool to solve issues.


Collect Photo in reviews

Customers can upload products photos along side their reviews.



Automatic in-email or on-landing review request

  • Wiremo plugin will automatically send in-email or on-landing review requests to your customers after purchase. You can also send in-email review requests to past orders on predefined periods. (see video example)

Analyze review sentiment using AI

  • Wiremo provides a very useful and important thing that you can use nowadays – AI (Artificial Intelligence) to analyze your reviews. You can use it with our Sentiment Filter feature. You can filter reviewers with bad intentions and at the same time show your customer experience. Using AI we can check what the text is expressing, is it neutral, positive or negative.

Review Keywords and Search in Reviews. Powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI).

  • Using AI, we provide you the possibility to check, find and show the most used words from your latest customer reviews. We call them Review Keywords. Your potential customers can see the main review keywords that were used in your customer reviews.

Q&A Questions & Answers

  • With Wiremo you can enable a special Q&A tab, so your potential customers could write their questions and you have the possibility to answer. This is very important for your credibility

Additional Questions

  • Before your customer will start writing the review you have the possibility to ask him some special questions related to your product or service. You can show these answers in the widget.

Email Editor

  • You can adjust all the notification emails so these emails will fit your website design.

Collect product photos from your customers

  • With Wiremo, your customers can upload product photos alongside their reviews. Research shows that organic photos increase conversion rates.

Pop-up trigger

  • Once your customer leaves a review show a nice pop-up with the message you want:
  • Give a promo code to up-sell your products.
  • Simply say “Thank you!” in the way you like.
  • Redirect your customers to other products page by placing custom buttons in your pop-up form. (see video example)

Conversation trigger

  • Once your customer leaves a negative review Wiremo will send a conversation email to your customer by asking what you are doing wrong. At the same time, you can use this feature for all ratings with in-email coupons to increase your sales.

Reply to reviewers automatically or manually

  • Respond to your reviewers in public or private to show you care for every customer.

Conversation feature

  • Open a private conversion in the Wiremo dashboard to solve an issue, to say thank you or to share a coupon.

Reviews carousel

  • Show your reviews in the way you like. Use one of our 12 carousel designs, customize and adjust every element in the review carousel. (see in action)

See the app in action

Explore how the app works in an example store.

14-day free trial


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