Espresso: Email Signup Gifts

Espresso: Email Signup Gifts - shopify app

Eddy Reynoso

Incentivize E-mail Sign-ups by Offering Digital Content
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Eddy Reynoso

Link Files to Products

Link files to products and offer to customers in exchange for their Email Address.


Capture Customer Emails

Customer's can provide E-mail in exchange for digital content of your choosing.


Customize Popup and Email Body

Files automatically E-mailed to customer as soon as they submit popup and E-mail is saved to shop


Attach Digital Content to Products

Espresso makes it easy to attach digital content to your products and allows customers to receive digital content by signing up to a non-intrusive popup.

Customers will automatically receive this digital content through their E-mail and you receive the customers E-mail to make further connections.


  • Attach products and files to each other
  • Exchange file for customers E-mail in the form of a popup
  • Customizable Popups, widget and E-mail
  • Automatic Install to your store (No need to install code manually)

See the app in action

Explore how the app works in an example store.

14-day free trial


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