U‑KOMI Review Marketing Tool

U‑KOMI Review Marketing Tool - shopify app


Increase Reviews! In-mail Forms / AI Analysis / Custom Fields
Have a question about this product? Ask the Maker

Form in Emails

Write reviews from inside emails. Skip opening a link and further increase your review conversion rate.


AI Analysis

Score reviews automatically using Sentiment Analysis and moderate reviews based on the AI scores. Grab keyword data from reviews.


Custom Questions

Add custom questions to each product and get stronger, more detailed reviews. Add filters and do analysis based on this data.


U-KOMI is a review marketing tool that will help you grow your EC site using the power of reviews.

In-mail Forms (Dynamic Email)

You can show the review request form inside emails for supported mailers. This skips the step of requiring the user to open a new page and further increases your review rate.

AI Analysis (Automation)

By using Sentiment Analysis each review gets a score based on their review text and you can automatically publish reviews based on these settings. Also by grabbing certain keywords from the review text you can automatically generate useful data from the reviews.

Custom Questions (Additional Fields)

You can add custom questions to each product and get stronger, more detailed reviews. You can also use filters and do analysis based on these custom questions.

More U-KOMI Features

  • Product & Site Reviews
  • Pictures in Reviews
  • Customize Review Request Emails
  • Review Page Customizations
  • Review Response (Respond to reviews & show response on shop)
  • Google Search Results Review Data Sync (Show stars in results)
  • Google PLA Review Data Sync (show stars in Google Shopping)
  • LINE Sync (gather reviews via LINE)
  • SNS Share (Facebook, Twitter, LINE)
  • Q&A Feature (Show Q&A data per product)

There is a free plan and for a limited time you can try out paid-for plans with a free trial. Try out U-KOMI today! Feel free to reach out to U-KOMI Support with any questions.

See the app in action

Explore how the app works in an example store.

30-day free trial


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

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Event Management With Tickets

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Cart Verification ‑ Mobile OTP

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Product FAQs ‑ Advance Option

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

AMP by Shop Sheriff

AMP by Shop Sheriff

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Better Recommendations

Better Recommendations

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Spin A Deal

Spin A Deal

Linkify ‑ Amazon Importer

Linkify ‑ Amazon Importer

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Product Options Variant Option

Product Options Variant Option

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