Acobot Virtual Shop Assistant

Acobot Virtual Shop Assistant - shopify app


Turn your visitors into buyers and keep them coming back
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Engage Visitors

Help your visitors shop, guiding them through your sales funnel using a friendly human touch.


Turn Them into Buyers

Transform those visitors into leads, then buyers, using behavior-based, personalized messages.


Keep Them Coming Back

Keep your customers coming back for more through lifetime engagement and re-marketing.


Hello! I'm Aco, AI for e-commerce.

I can help you if you are facing the following e-commerce challenges:

  • Low Conversion Rate: 97% or more of your visitors leave without buying.

  • High Cart Abandonment Rate: 75% or more of your shopping carts are abandoned.

  • Slow Email List Growth: Few shoppers sign up, even with the use of popups.

  • Fruitless Email Marketing: Newsletters bring minimal results. Or, your newsletter is not set up at all.

I will resolve your toughest e-commerce problems with the following innovative features.

Conversion Optimization

  • Product Discovery: Increase product page views by helping your visitors find what they want.
  • Shopping Wizard: Boost checkouts by assisting visitors shop and giving incentive offers .
  • Instant Answer: Optimize conversion by answering customer questions based on your web pages.

Lead Generation

  • Grow your email list faster by capturing leads thorough the whole shopping process.

Cart Recovery

  • Recover more abandoned carts using emails that are composed and sent by AI.

Email Marketing

  • Get even more orders through behavior based, highly personalized email marketing.

Wary of new tools?

I understand, many technologies require much time and money:

  • Time: New tools often require a great deal of time to set up.
  • Skills: Success often depends on your copywriting and design abilities.
  • Money: If you see no results, you’re often told to hire an expert.
  • Black boxes: Still no luck? It’s time to A/B test, which means more time, skills and money.

That is not the way it should be!

If you hire me, I will do all the work for you and you will just get increased sales.

  • Setup: A wizard you will guide you through the setup in 15 minutes or less.
  • Creation: I will create all the contents, from conversations to emails, so you don't have to.
  • Design: I will determined when to do what, do you don't have to.
  • Optimization: I constantly optimize the performance so no A/B test is needed.

It couldn't be easier!

Give ma a try and I will increase your sales like never before:

  • I capture 3x sales leads in comparison to forms.
  • The shoppers who interact with me are 781% more likely to check out.
  • I can increase your sales by up to 30%.

Add Acobot app to your store now!

See the app in action

Explore how the app works in an example store.


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