Back In Stock: Customer Alerts

Back In Stock: Customer Alerts - shopify app

SureSwift Capital

Notify your customers when products are restocked: Email & SMS
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Automated Email & SMS Alerts

Customers can sign up to receive an email or SMS Text Message the moment a product is back in stock.


5 Minute Setup

Takes minutes to install. No coding required. Try it out -- what do you have to lose?


Easy to Customize

Personalize for your theme, or make your own button with our JavaScript API. Email template access powered by Liquid. We support any theme.


Stop losing sales when inventory runs out.

Featured on a blog? Cracked that AdWords campaign? Your store can see a surge of visitors in moments. Awesome! But what if your inventory sells out?

Don’t lose sales when your inventory runs out. Back in Stock makes it easy for customers to sign up for a Back in Stock alert (Email or SMS Text Message). When you restock products, waiting customers are then alerted instantly to bring them back to your store and complete the purchase.

Back in Stock is simple to setup and runs automatically.

Email messages that convert

Back in Stock works on the product variant level: customers are notified when the specific size or color they want is restocked. This gives you impressive rates of engagement and conversion.

Back in Stock brings customers back to your store and helps you convert those sales you otherwise miss with in stock notifications.

Simple setup. Powerful customization.

Installation is simple and takes less than 30 seconds. Simply hit Get App and a button saying ‘email me when available’ will immediately appear on all relevant product pages. We support a wide variety of themes out of the box. Optionally add SMS Text Message capability to your store and your customers can choose to be notified via email or SMS, which ever they prefer.

This button automatically connects to a Back in Stock pop-up form that has a field for email address and a drop-down menu for product variants.

Want to to build something custom?

  • Create custom experiences with your own button or use our flexible JavaScript API.
  • Edit the email template with Liquid - just like Shopify.

Scalable, stable, and supported

Back in Stock has been serving Shopify stores since 2011. We’ve grown with Shopify and support some of the largest Shopify stores on the platform. We regularly release updates and improvements to our platform.

Great for flash sales, coming soon, and even pre-orders

Get Back in Stock setup for your next flash sales or coming soon collection and start collection customer sign ups today. Measure demand to assist your forecasting with our in stock alerts App.

See the app in action

Explore how the app works in an example store.

14-day free trial


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