
BoostCTR - shopify app


Maximise organic Click Through Rates from your Google listings
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Track SEO Changes

Track changes to your page titles, meta descriptions & measure the direct impact to your traffic.


Increase CTR

Maximise organic Click Through Rates from your Google listings.


Get More SEO Traffic

A high organic CTR in Google results in more traffic and more people visiting your store.


Your page titles and your meta descriptions are the first thing that your potential customers see about your brand. In SEO, step one is ranking on the first page. Step two is convincing searchers to actually click through to your store.

Getting your website on the search results is only part of the job. You also need to convince people to click on your Google listing instead of your competitors.

Here's a quote from Matt Cutts, the former head of Google’s webspam team, on the importance of high CTRs: “It doesn't really matter how often you show up. It matters how often you get clicked on and then how often you … convert those to whatever you really want (sales, purchases, subscriptions)… Do spend some time looking at your title, your URL, and your snippet that Google generates, and see if you can find ways to improve that and make it better for users because then they're more likely to click. You'll get more visitors, you'll get better return on your investment.”

And here is, Udi Manber, Google's former chief of search quality, talking on the co-relation between CTR and rankings: “If we discover that, for a particular query, hypothetically, 80 percent of people click on Result No. 2 and only 10 percent click on Result No. 1, after a while we figure out, well, probably Result 2 is the one people want. So we'll switch it.”

It’s easy to overlook your organic click-through rates on Google. After all, you’ve probably been told that they’re not as important as other SEO metrics. But it’s not enough to just rank on Google – you have to convince your potential customers to click on your listing instead of your competitors.

BoostCTR tracks changes to your page titles, meta descriptions & measures the direct impact to your traffic. It answers this important question: Are the changes you make to your SEO tags resulting in more traffic to your store?

My goal with BoostCTR is to get people to actually click on your Google listing when they see it in the search results – something that lets them know you're gonna have the answer they're looking for.

You can start improving your page titles and your meta descriptions with a free 14 day trial. Please make sure you have access to Google Search Console to make the most of BoostCTR.

See you inside.



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Explore how the app works in an example store.

14-day free trial


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