CODBot: COD SMS Verification

CODBot: COD SMS Verification - shopify app


Cut operational losses using Cash on Delivery SMS Verification
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Verify Cash On Delivery Orders

Verify that a customer has legitimately placed a Cash on Delivery (COD) order, by sending an OTP through SMS & verifying their phone number.


Identify Bogus COD Orders

Cut down RTO (Return to Origin) drastically by eliminating fake/bogus COD orders. Reduce expenses on attempted deliveries for fake orders.


Improve Operational Efficiency

Automating the process of COD verification backed by technology improves the operational efficiency of your business.


Use CODBot: COD SMS Verification to cut operational losses using Cash on Delivery SMS Verification on auto-pilot.

CODBot helps store owners reduce returns (RTOs) of cash on delivery (COD) orders by verifying COD customer’s contact numbers. Once installed on your Shopify store, every customer opting for Cash on Delivery will be asked to confirm their order with an OTP, also known as Order Verification Code, via SMS sent to their mobile numbers. This not only verifies the customers’ contact number but also reconfirms their intent to make a purchase via COD.

Why verify your COD orders?

Cash on delivery (COD) is a great enabler for the e-commerce industry. But, it also is one of the leading sources of operational loss due to cancellations and bogus orders. Hence, reducing COD failures is a top priority for e-commerce players. Using CODBot, you can ensure that your COD orders are legitimate before you ship them out.

Who should use CODBot: COD SMS Verification?

All E-commerce companies that allow cash on delivery can use this solution to identify legitimate COD orders from fake or bogus orders.

How does CODBot work?

  1. After choosing to pay via COD, the customer is redirected to an order confirmation screen. On the order confirmation screen, they would need to enter the OTP sent to their mobile via SMS to confirm their order.

  2. As soon as the order is confirmed via OTP authentication, the customer is taken to their order status page (also known as the thank you page) where they can see their order status and summary.

  3. As a store owner, you can track the status of COD orders from the "Orders" tab on your Shopify Admin Dashboard. For authenticated orders, you will see a “CODBot Verified” tag. For bogus/unverified orders, you will see a “COFBot pending” tag and you can choose to cancel such orders to eliminate RTO.

How is CODBot better than IVR/Automated Calls and SMS?

  1. Do you find IVR or automated called annoying? Well, your customers do as well. Moreover, apps like Truecaller either block these calls or display a “spam” warning. This not only harms your brand image but also leads to low order confirmations.

  2. Most of the customer don’t prefer to answer unsolicited calls after they have just placed an order with your store. SMS verification not only creates trust, it also helps showcase your brand value in the customers’ eyes.

  3. IVR calls usually use a recorded tone/dialect that more often than not, has a thick accent which might be difficult for your customers to understand and they might end up abandoning the cart.

See the app in action

Explore how the app works in an example store.


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