
CommerceXpand - shopify app


Boost conversions, reduce abandonment and engage customers
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Higher Conversion Rates

Engage and re-engage customers with alerts, countdowns, stickies, and more. Drive more conversions and revenue with all apps in one pack.


One App, Many Functions

Easily replace all the stand-alone apps you need to optimize your business operations and customer experience with many apps in one package.


Increased Customers and Sales

Automate your redundant manual tasks. Attract new and repeat customers, boost sales, and increase profitability with all apps in one.


CommerceXpand is a one-stop replacement for many stand-alone apps to manage different aspects of your business. This many-apps-in-one package brings you a collection of various Shopify apps to simplify and optimize your store operations, and drive customers.

Reduce Cart Abandonment Rates

Add to Cart Sticky

Drive instant purchases with an attractive Add to Cart sticky. Shorten the checkout process with a Quick Buy button on all products, to make shopping easier, faster, and more engaging for customers.

Back in Store Alert

Notify customers immediately on the product availability. Re-capture the customers leaving your store due to product unavailability, with engaging subscription buttons. Send out custom back-in-store email alerts to your subscribers and re-invite them to purchase.

Abandoned Checkout Manager

Keep a constant check of abandoned carts and recoveries. Create custom reminder emails to send to customers who abandoned carts at the checkout. Schedule auto-sending of reminder emails and compare recoveries with preceding periods to track recovery progress.

CountDown Manager

Use the FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) strategy to drive more purchases in less time with a countdown manager. Create a countdown timer and customize its color, text, and placement to appeal to customers and drive more sales.

Boost Store Revenue

Product Bundles

Boost your upselling with product bundles. Configure several product bundles and enable one or more of them to display to customers. Change the number of products in bundles, customize bundle appearance, and show original and discounted prices to encourage instant purchases.

Bulk Product Editor

Say goodbye to manual product updates. Apply filters to find the products or categories you want to edit in bulk. Change tags, types, inventory, compare at price, and other product details to show updated and accurate information to customers. Track the status of bulk-edit tasks and choose to revert any edited task in real-time.

Enhance Browsing Experience

Image Optimizer

Speed up your store with image optimization and boost SEO. Optimize alt tags, filenames, other image attributes, and compress images. Optimize images manually or in bulk in the background and track the progress of on-going optimization processes. Personalize optimization by pre-defining patterns for alt tags, file names, etc. View analytics of optimized images centrally to track the process.

CommerceXpand is a combo of many apps in one to help you enhance your operational efficiency and customer engagement. All these apps work seamlessly together and support all the standard themes.

See the app in action

Explore how the app works in an example store.

15-day free trial


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Social Media Feeds

Social Media Feeds

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.



Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Inline Collection Booster NEW!

Inline Collection Booster NEW!

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.



Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Custom Background Music

Custom Background Music

Waze & Google Maps Navigation

Waze & Google Maps Navigation

Auto Price Update Pop Up

Auto Price Update Pop Up

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Smart Metafield Collections

Smart Metafield Collections