Currency Converter HQ

Currency Converter HQ - shopify app


Currency switcher with 168+ currencies, auto-switch, and more
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168+ Currencies

Instantly add support for 168+ currencies to your store. Encourage and increase international sales.


Automatically Convert Prices

Switch prices automatically based on your customers location. Create a smoother experience for customers.


Increase sales

Showing prices in your customers local currency can increase conversion rates, decrease cart abandonment, and take sales to the next level


Does your store sell internationally? If you answered yes then Currency Converter HQ can help your store immensely.

Currency Converter HQ is the smoothest, feature-rich, currency selector app to hit Shopify. In a matter of seconds Currency Converter HQ will enable your shop to show its prices in nearly every currency known to man, 164 currencies to be precise.

It is extremely important to show your shop’s prices in your customers local currency, as a mismatch is currencies can potentially result in a lost sale. The customer may be directed off-site to do the conversions manually, or leave altogether out of frustration. In other words, our currency switcher can dramatically increase your shops conversion rate.

Besides the essentials, Currency Converter HQ is loaded with great features making it ideal for any shop selling internationally. Some of these features include:

Auto currency switching

Have our app automatically detect the users local currency and convert all prices before they have a chance to blink.


Our app can plug into any theme and look stellar. Our customization options allow you to fine tune the colors, spacing, and placement to fit it your store seamlessly.

Pricing Configuration

Our app provides you with advanced pricing configuration options like decimal removal, decimal rounding, and more.

Original Price on hover

Converting a currency does not mean the original price must be lost. With our “original price on hover” option your users can easily see prices in the shops original currency after it’s been changed.

Cart Notification

Currency Converter HQ has an option to place a customizable notification on your cart page alerting the user that their payment will be processed in your stores main currency. Currency Converter HQ does not support multi-currency checkout.

Design and Setup Support

Our currency selector app works great out of the box, but we offer free design and setup support for users looking to integrate deeper into their store.

Why choose Currency Converter HQ over the others?

You should choose Currency Converter HQ because it was meticulously designed with care. It was developed to look amazing, and run perfectly smooth and efficient on every store or theme. We also don’t restrict users to a set number of currencies, they have the ability to add all 168.

Thanks for choosing Currency Converter HQ.

See the app in action

Explore how the app works in an example store.


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