Edited‑Bulk Product Management

Edited‑Bulk Product Management - shopify app

Alpha Serve

Manage the Product SEO Attributes and Get More Organic Clients
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Alpha Serve

Manage Time Efficiently

Don’t spend time to edit the Shopify product portfolio. Apply filters and combine the search parameters to find the items you need.


Control Your Portfolio Edits

Filter the items easily. Use the preview to apply the necessary changes only. Save the editing history and revert the changes back quickly.


Flexible SEO Templates Setup

Manage your key SEO attributes easily to make your portfolio more visible to the potential buyers. Use bulk edits to apply changes quickly.


About Edited – Bulk Product Management

If you have numerous items in your Shopify store product portfolio, you need a simple and easy to use tool for bulk product management. Editing separate items of product groups can be really time-consuming, and this is where Edited – Bulk Product Management can be extremely useful.

This is especially important for the SEO of your assortment, as it has a direct impact on your potential sales. Correct SEO attributes will allow you to get more key customers from organic search and higher conversion rates.

Edited – Bulk Product Management allows you to:

  • Select the necessary items and product groups for bulk changes with convenient filtering options
  • Edit the following attributes in bulk: Meta title, Meta Description, Human URL
  • Preview the changes to be sure that everything you need is applied correctly

See the app in action

Explore how the app works in an example store.

14-day free trial


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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

