Elevate Pinterest Feed

Elevate Pinterest Feed - shopify app


Showcase your Pinterest photos and increase social proof
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Increase Sales and conversions

Displaying your Pinterest posts on your site is a great way to generate more sales by showcasing your products.


Showcase your pinterest photos

Create social proof for your products by displaying your Pinterest photos on your site


Add Products to your Posts

Easily add products to your Pinterest photos so when your customers see something they like they can easily buy it


What is Pinterest Feed App?

Pinterest Feed App makes it possible for you to display all of your Pinterest posts in a fluid mosaic board. You can create multiple boards of different collections and be able to add products to each post that will be featured when a user clicks on your post.

Rich Reporting & Solid Analytics

Be able to compare any of your KPIs with high confidence in an easy to understand interface. We automatically track how your posts are performing and show you how many clicks, views, orders and revenue each product, post and board are generating for you.

Easily Create Boards

Create your boards easily by just pasting your posts links when creating your board. There's no need for you to log in or anything. All you have to do is paste your post Url's and add products and your all set.

See the app in action

Explore how the app works in an example store.


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.



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