Fraud Scanner

Fraud Scanner - shopify app

10X Apps

Stop the scammers! Automatically cancel fraudulent orders!
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10X Apps

Save Time, Stop Chargebacks!

No need to sort through orders in search of fraud anymore! Fraud Scanner does it automatically for you.


Stop losing money to fraud!

Decrease chargeback costs related to fraud. Block spam and fraud by stopping scammers immediately.


Stop Scams, Spam and fraud!

Fraud is a common occurrence for ecom stores, stop scammers from placing orders on your store and avoid chargebacks.


If you spend time manually reviewing and cancelling orders marked “Fraudulent” or are receiving chargebacks from orders marked High Risk or Medium Risk of fraud, this app will save you time and money.

Reviewing potentially fraudulent orders can take a lot of time, and can cost a lot of money in chargeback fees. And, with an increasing amount of online scammers, it’s easy to miss potential fraud if you are reviewing orders manually. The time it takes to comb through orders looking for high risk and medium risk customers could be better spent marketing your business or fulfilling orders to legitimate customers.

That’s why we created the Fraud Scanner app. Our app takes the stress out of dealing with fraudulent orders; this app will automatically cancel orders labeled by Shopify as a High Risk or Medium Risk of Fraud but also other key indicators like Mismatched Address, Abnormal Quantity or Dollar Value being ordered. We also allow for excluding or including specific situations such as IP, Customer Info, Payment Method or Country.

Here’s how it works…

Simply install and activate the app, and instantly you will never have to worry about reviewing your Orders for fraudulent customers ever again. Just set the dashboard to “Enable Fraud Scanner” and activate any of the criteria you'd like Fraud Scanner to assist with. All orders before installation and while the settings are Deactivated will not be affected at all.


  • Cancel or Hold orders marked High Risk of Fraud automatically
  • Cancel or Hold orders marked Medium Risk of Fraud Automatically
  • Cancel or Hold orders that have an Address Mismatch
  • Cancel or Hold orders that have an Abnormal Quantity that you deem appropriate
  • Cancel or Hold orders that have an Abnormal Dollar Value that you deem appropriate
  • Restriction / Exemption settings
  • Customer and Store Owner Email settings
  • Easy 10 second installation
  • Get more control over your orders

We are shop owners ourselves and understand how frustating it can be be worry about finding and canceling orders marked for Fraud before shipping out products. We created this app for ourselves, but after realizing how well it works, we decided to offer it to other stores owners as well!

See the app in action

Explore how the app works in an example store.


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