
HiBub - shopify app

Fency Pay LLC

Make it easy for shoppers to buy your products again and again
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Put HiBub on your products

Connect products in your store with a HiBub image customers can use. Easier to share than QR codes!


Fast 1-Click Checkout

When anyone scans a HiBub code or uses your HiBub URL, they are automatically taken to YOUR STORE with that item already in their cart.


Easy to Use

Simply pick the Product Variant customers are likely to buy again. We handle the links, graphics, and hosting. Just click and it's ready!


Use HiBub to re-sell items your customers may buy frequently, but not enough for a monthly subscription

HiBub makes it easy for you to sell to the same customer again & again…even without scanning a code!

  • Foods
    • Coffee & tea
    • Condiments
    • Specialty jams, jellies & honey
    • Snacks & candy
    • Oils & Spices
  • Household
    • Cleaning supplies
    • Toilet Paper/paper towels
    • Coffee filters
    • Kitchen products
    • Candles & Air Fresheners
  • Beauty & Self-care products
    • Perfumes
    • Shampoo & Conditioner
    • Makeup
    • Feminine Products
    • First Aid materials
    • Homeopathy
    • Vitamins & Minerals

Use HiBub right in your Shopify dashboard…

  1. Create a link for a product variant in HiBub
  2. We create a short/unique URL (ex: hibub.com/5j3k) just for YOUR STORE ITEM
  3. A custom HiBub image for that variant is built
  4. Put your link or code directly on items, their labels/packaging, invoices, or include in newsletters/emails
  5. HiBub codes are short, so they can be shared between friends, over the phone, or written down…something a QR code can never do
  6. When the code is scanned or link is visited the user is sent directly to your Shopify store
  7. The customer is at your store with that item already added to their cart. They don't have to search for it or remember which one they bought
  8. They check out & you made another sale with little work
  9. The links and codes continue to work as long as you keep them activated. Rinse & repeat for as long as you want.

A single HiBub link will work on ANY customer; anyone can use it!

Special bonus for new users

We just launched, so that means the random codes we generate are new. Right now our system is generating links where the code is only 2 or 3 digits.

That's really rare as the most popular URL shorteners are several digits. As more codes are created, the app will increase the digits to 3, 4, 5 and so on. The shorter the codes are the easier they are to share without scanning the QR code.

Additional benefits: You don't have to host our images. We provide a special link for each code that is hosted globally on the Akamai Content Delivery Network (CDN) for fast downloads no matter where in the world your customers are browsing from. You won't need to host the image on your own site or download it if you don't want to…it's available worldwide instantly.

See the app in action

Explore how the app works in an example store.


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