Hotjar Install (Unofficial)

Hotjar Install (Unofficial) - shopify app


Truly understand how your visitors interact on your site.
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Easily install Hotjar on your Shopify store without development.

We love Hotjar and the service it provides but this app is not directly affiliated with Hotjar. If you have any questions about Hotjar services, please contact Hotjar directly.

What does this app do?

This app automates the inclusion of the Hotjar script across all your themes. It uses the Shopify ScripTags to append the Hotjar script to any published theme without the need of editing the theme directly. Works great for those that don't have development resources, don't want to edit their theme, or change themes consistently. This application does NOT edit your theme in anyway.

Why Hotjar? It is a new and easy way to truly understand your web and mobile site visitors.

  • Heatmaps: Visualize behavior – Understand what users want, care about and do on your site by visually representing their clicks, taps and scrolling behavior – which are the strongest indicators of visitor motivation and desire.
  • Visitor Recordings: See what your users see – Eliminate guesswork with Recordings of real visitor behavior on your site. By seeing your visitor’s clicks, taps and mouse movements you can identify usability issues on the fly and issues they encounter.
  • Conversion Funnels: Where are your visitors dropping off? – Find the biggest opportunities for improvement and testing by identifying on which page and at which step most visitors are leaving your site.
  • Form Analysis: How are your forms used? – Improve online form completion rates by discovering which fields take too long to fill, which are left blank, and why your visitors abandon your form and page.
  • Feedback Polls: Understand the reasons behind behavior – Improving the performance and experience of your website starts with understanding what your visitors want and what's preventing them from achieving it. Target questions to specific visitors anywhere on your web and mobile site.
  • Instant Feedback: Instant visual feedback – Give your visitors an easy way to leave instant visual feedback on your website or app. See what people love and hate, identify issues, and find opportunities for growth.
  • Surveys: Get to know your audience better – Build your own responsive surveys using an easy editor. Collect responses in real-time from any device. Distribute your surveys using web links, emails or invite your visitors just before they abandon your site to uncover their objections or concerns.

A Hotjar account is required.

The monthly charge of this app is in no way associated with a Hotjar. Any charges for usage of the Hotjar service will be through your Hotjar account.

See the app in action

Explore how the app works in an example store.

7-day free trial


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