Hyperspeed ‑ Advanced Speed

Hyperspeed ‑ Advanced Speed - shopify app


The most advanced speed optimizer and image compressor.
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Make Your Store Blazing Fast

We'll speed up your theme as much as we can with LazyLoad, link preloading, font caching, critical CSS inlining and JS/CSS minification.


Automatically Compress Images

We'll compress your product & theme asset images to speed up your store. Our advanced image compression automatically handles new images.


Stop Apps From Killing Speed

Too many scripts from other apps can impact your site's speed. We'll cache, minify and monitor them to reduce their impact on your store.


Boost sales, lower bounce rates and supercharge SEO by optimizing your Shopify store for speed.

Slow stores lose customers. The average visitor will leave if your store takes too long to load. Even a couple seconds make a difference

Hyperspeed increases your store's speed on both mobile and desktop so that you can make more sales.


Your site – but as small as possible.

We make your theme files as small as possible to supercharge speed. With minification, we'll safely minify your store's JS and CSS so that they load faster without compromising their functionality.

Your original files are all kept and remain unchanged. Any edits are instantly reflected in the minified files!

Make your store's first impression amazing.

We make sure your store's initial load time is as fast as possible with LazyLoad and CSS inlining.

LazyLoad loads images on your site only when visitors are about to see them so unseen images don't affect your site speed. We'll also use responsive image sizes to load the right image size for each situation.

Critical CSS inlining delays unnecessary CSS from loading until it's needed, making sure the first thing your visitors see is speed.

We stop apps from making your site super slow.

We analyze the apps loaded on your store and cache them so that they're served with the same fast server that hosts your Shopify store.

Third party apps can easily double your site's load speed since they're each loaded separately from a ton of different servers.

We bundle them, compress them, and serve them from Shopify's servers so that your site speed isn't impacted.

We'll also monitor your store's scripts for differences and update your cache if anything changes.

Predictive technology for next level speed.

We use predictive page loading to preload pages before users click on them so your store feels super fast.

Only pages that are likely to be visited get preloaded so we respect your visitors' bandwidth.

Compress your images without losing out on quality.

Hyperspeed uses the latest image compression techniques for either lossy or lossless compression, for a 30-70% reduction in image sizes.

We'll also actively monitor your shop for new product images and compress them so that they don't bog down your store.

Not satisfied with the compression? No worries! We keep backups of each image we compress so you can easily turn them back to normal with a click.

We store all our changes so you can undo them with a click.

If anything goes wrong, we've got you covered. You can preview theme optimizations before they go live.

Notice something wrong after changes are active? Turn back time and undo our changes with a single click!

Give your store the speed it deserves today. Try it free with a 7 day trial on us.

See the app in action

Explore how the app works in an example store.

7-day free trial


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