Lucky Orange Heatmaps & Replay

Lucky Orange Heatmaps & Replay - shopify app

Lucky Orange LLC

10 apps to grow sales with recordings, heat maps, chat & more
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Watch people live on your site

Watch every mouse click, move and scroll in real time or watch recordings later. We record all visits - not a sample like some replay apps


Use heatmaps to see what’s hot

Answer the questions of what people are engaging with most on your site and whether they’re scrolling far enough to see your calls to action


Lower cart abandonment

Use live view to see visitor challenges then engage them with live chat. Use polls to offer special discounts to increase conversions


Get 10 conversion rate optimization tools for the cost of 1 to help reduce cart abandonment and increase sales. Get started with a free plan and scale up as your business grows. Install with 1 click.

See why customers leave without purchasing


Like a DVR for your store, recordings show where people clicked, scrolled, moved and tapped. Replay how people interacted with products, what they added to cart, and what kept them from buying.


Don’t want to wait to see what shoppers did on your store? Watch them live now. See someone getting ready to abandon their cart? Use live chat to help them find what they need.

Discover what visitors engage with most


Want to see the parts of your store that are most popular with visitors? A heat map shows where most visitors clicked, scrolled and moved. Scroll heatmaps show how far down the page visitors went before leaving and whether they got to your best products or CTAs. Unlike other heat map apps, Lucky Orange’s dynamic heatmaps work on drop down menus and overlays so you can see engagement on all of your site.

Offer shoppers discounts before they abandon their carts & gain valuable feedback


Create pop-up polls or announcements for a specific page or for targeted visitors like those coming from Instagram, Facebook or Google. Increase your conversion rate with questions like, “Would you like 15% off?” or “What’s keeping you from making a purchase?”


Get customer feedback on what people like best, ask NPS questions or use as a form to get emails. Use time-based triggers to engage shoppers at the right time with offers or surveys.


View a report of which form fields cause visitors to abandon your site or leave the form. See the form fields that took longest and which were repeated the most.


View parts of your customer journey that have the most visitor drop off and highest abandonment. Drill into each step to watch a replay of visitor actions.

Talk with customers on your site


Quickly respond to questions from shoppers. Set triggers for chat to appear after a certain amount or time or if shoppers visit a certain page, like return policies. Respond quickly to questions and even “co-browse” with visitors to point to areas on their screen for further clarification.

Simplify website analytics and get email reports on your store’s performance


Don’t waste time logging into multiple apps to see how your store is performing. Use the Lucky Orange dashboard to get analytics like the number of people on your store now, overall traffic count and traffic sources.


Get daily email reports that tell you which sources drove the most sales & traffic.

See the app in action

Explore how the app works in an example store.

7-day free trial


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