Metric Kings ‑ Store Analytics

Metric Kings ‑ Store Analytics - shopify app

Marketing Together

Better Metrics. Better Store.
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Sales Metrics

Real-time sales data all in one view. Expenses, shipping, ad spend, cost of goods sold and more.


Order Heatmap

View an up-to-date heat map of all your orders over any time period you desire.


Easy Integration

Seamlessly integrates with Facebook Ads and Google Ads to view live ad spend data. To calculate a more accurate CPA.


Do you hate accounting with spreadsheets?

So do we! STOP wasting time trying to figure out if you were profitable or not this week.

Metric Kings provides the solution.

Know your profit and loss between any given date range. Automatically calculate and display costs of goods sold, all the different transaction fees due to multiple payment methods, Facebook ads, Google Ads, currency rates and much more. Know your Expenses, Average Order Profit, Net Profit and more live with the click of a button.

Custom Shipping expenses

  • Custom Shipping cost using criteria such as Country, Shipping Method Title, State etc.
  • Default Shipping cost for orders that don't match any Custom Shipping Criteria

Transaction Fee

  • Yes we know you probably forgot about this one. It's a silent margin killer.
  • Custom transaction fee setup for each gateway you use on your site.

Ad Expenses

  • Securely retrieve Facebook and Google Ad expenses between any chosen date range.

Cost of Goods Sold

  • Automatically pull your "costs per item" from your Shopify store.

See the app in action

Explore how the app works in an example store.

14-day free trial


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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.





