
mulob - shopify app


Create shortcuts for customers that different from other store
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Make your store unique

Provide users with a shortcut to operate the site with one hand


Customize different sidebar

In different pages, customize different functions to guide users to initiate purchases.


Rich customization options

Supports custom component height, position, color, icon and jump connection and other functions.


The component functions can be modified through the background editor as follows:

  1. Place the component on the left or right
  2. Modify the height of the component
  3. Modify the position of the component from the bottom
  4. Modify the icon of the component
  5. Modify the text content of the component
  6. Modify the text size and color of the component
  7. Modify the connection address of the component click

Support pages that use components

  • Homepage, product, list-collections, blog, collection, page

Supported shopify version

  • support the old version of shopify and the latest shopify version 2.0

See the app in action

Explore how the app works in an example store.

7-day free trial


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