Now Available

Now Available - shopify app


Schedule products availability at specific times
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Disable a group of products

Ideal for restaurants with special menus and limited-time offers


Set a time to disable products

Choose a time range in which your products are unavailable


Automatically disable products

Products will be available/unavailable according to your scheduled time


Now Available is ideal for restaurants that offer special menus and limited-time products. The app will disable a group of products preventing customers from ordering during this time. Once this time passes, products will become available again for ordering.

Key features

  • Offer your special menus or limited-time products during specific hours.
  • Choose non-available hours for each day of the week.
  • Products will be disabled and customers will not be able to order them during non-available hours.
  • Products will be available again for order when the specified time passes.

How does it work?

  • Choose a group of products that match a set of conditions.
  • Select the time at which you want the group of products to be disabled.
  • Your chosen products will be automatically disabled at the specified time and enabled again outside these hours.
  • You can have multiple groups of products programmed to be disabled/enabled.

See the app in action

Explore how the app works in an example store.

7-day free trial


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