One‑Click Darkmode

One‑Click Darkmode - shopify app


night mode, dark mode in one click
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Easy Install

Setup in less than 1 minutes. Save your time and do more important things.


Be less busy

No Coding Required. No need to learn how to write code. Be less busy and have a cup of coffee.


Take care of eyes

Take care of your visitor's eyes! Make customers comfortable then you can make more money.


Allow users to toggle any theme to dark mode

By click the floating widget, all users can switch between light mode and dark mode, what ever themes you are using.

Take care of your cusumer's eyes

Studies have shown that a large percentage of shopping occurs at night, especially after 20:00, so the light mode can be extremely tiring their eyes. Then DarkMode is the solution to make your cusumers confortable when they browser your shop site at night.

Auto turn on darkmode

We can automatically decide whether to enable dark mode based on the viewer's local time. For example, using this application, you can automatically enable dark mode between 18:00 and 06:00 the next day.

Easier on eyes

Customers spend time on your store longer when it is not straining on the eyes. What's more, growing your business revenue while saving the battery.

Higher conversion rate

Studies have shown that using dark mode for browsing will encourage users to browse more and more browsing information, thereby facilitating purchases. Most importantly, many people browse the Internet late at night, because they do not have any work and family responsibilities in the middle of the night. If your store support darkmode, you will earn more.

24*7 Support

Need help or have specific requirements for your store. Just ping us on and we will help you with anything you need for your store.

Demo store available

To view Demo Store The Password Is : 123456

See the app in action

Explore how the app works in an example store.


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