Optimiize SEO

Optimiize SEO - shopify app

J. Louis Technology

Control Your Indexing, Search & Social Settings
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Manage Meta Tags

Have ultimate control over meta tags like NoIndex and NoFollow for products and pages across your store


Manage XML Sitemap

Take control of your XML sitemap so you can control which URLs appear there and which ones you prevent Google from seeing


Be A Super Star

We give you the control you need to make your eComm business a true super star and dominate rankings


What is Optimiize SEO Manager?

Optimiize SEO Manager allows you to have full control over NoIndex, NoFollow meta tags, and the XML sitemap created by Shopify.

When you apply NoIndex to a page, search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo will be informed that those pages have been marked as NoIndex, and they will not be crawled or indexed as a result.

Which sections do I have control over when it comes to NoIndex and NoFollow meta tags?

  • Blog tags
  • Blog articles
  • Collections
  • Entire Shopify store
  • Pages
  • Products
  • Search result pages
  • and more!

Which sections do I have the option of removing Sitemap URLs from? Sitemap URLs can be removed for various sections:

  • Articles
  • Blogs
  • Collections
  • Pages
  • Products Applying NoIndex to All URL Types Recent enhancements include the addition of a new feature that enables you to NoIndex nearly every URL you specify.

One may also delineate a set of rules that will apply NoIndex to URLs which include exact defined words.

What are the advantages of using this app for my store?

Maintaining control over your sitemap is crucial when it comes to SEO. Sitemaps contain URLs that need to be found by web crawlers. Whether it is linked to products, articles, and other important content, search engines need to be able to crawl and index your content in order for it to appear in search results. Furthermore, sitemaps are an important factor in search engine optimization because they assist search engines in finding your content.

Given the possibility of multiple versions of the same page, it is important to ensure that duplicate content does not get indexed. Duplicate content can result in a penalty and a drop in your store's ranking.

Our application allows you to set the sitemap to exclude pages and use NoIndex, NoFollow meta tags to protect your rankings.

Solve Issues Related to Duplicate Content Our application can assist you in resolving issues related to duplicate content. Having duplicate content can lead to lower rankings and a Google penalty.

Taking care of this problem will help ensure that your store's rankings remain stable, resulting in customers coming across your store when performing a search. The more customers find your store, the better!

See the app in action

Explore how the app works in an example store.


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