
Sell & test your next product

Sell and gauge demand via our next-generation pre-order system.


Collect pre-order revenue

List your next product much earlier and start collecting pre-orders. (estimated shipping date shown)


Charge customers later

Capture orders today, send payment links when you’re ready. keeping pre-orders in their own system until paid.


You shouldn’t have to wait until stock hits your warehouse to list your next product.

PreProduct lets brands capture pre-orders for future products at any point in the new product cycle. Allowing you to gauge demand and re·coup cash quicker. Payment links are only sent out when you trigger them, so you’re completely in control (and legally compliant).

Why use PreProduct?

• Validate and gauge demand for future products

• Capture pre-orders at any stage in the new product process

• Send payment links when you’re ready (whether that’s before or after ordering stock)

• Manage inventory and purchasing in a more precise way

• Collect revenue earlier and recoup cash quicker


• Customise your email campaign and payment links

• Customise cart and button colours

• Integrates with Shopify and the native inventory/order/checkout system

• Edit customer pre-orders

• Set custom shipping dates and other customer-facing information

• Lightweight on the front-end to keep your site's page speed fast

• Customer portals – each customer has their own specific URL, where they can monitor and update their pre-orders

• Set early-bird discounts to reward customers for longer delivery times

• List specific variants

• Set maximum pre-order limits for variants

• Option to hide listings automatically after a certain number of days

Types of product listing:


• Customers sign-up to buy the product, with the understanding that their payment link will be sent to them in the future (extended delivery time + early bird discount options included).

Crowdfunded Pre-order

• Customers sign-up to buy the product with the understanding it won’t come to market unless a minimum number of sales is reached (extended delivery time + early bird discount options included). • Payment links are emailed out when your sales target is met or when you trigger payment links from the dashboard. • Payment link emails are triggered from the PreProduct dashboard.

How does PreProduct work?

  1. Create a future product listing through PreProduct in the Shopify admin dashboard.
  2. Choose your listing type. If crowdfunding, enter how many orders you would need to bring the product to market. Also, how long until you would ship the orders.
  3. The product will then appear in your storefront, but instead of a buy button, there will be a PreProduct widget that will explain the situation, as well as facilitate pre-orders/email-captures from customers.
  4. These pre-orders will appear in your PreProduct dashboard. Once you’re ready for the pre-orders to transact, you can trigger payment link emails from the PreProduct dashboard. If you don’t trigger payment links, that’s the end of it, no further expectations.

See the app in action

Explore how the app works in an example store.

14-day free trial


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