Promio ‑ Share to Discount

Promio ‑ Share to Discount - shopify app


Social Media Sharing & Influencer Marketing
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Go Viral

Promio facilitates store growth and virality across social networks by empowering customers to share your store and influence sales.


Increase Conversions

Customers are more likely to make a first time purchase if they get a reward for it. Promio allows you to reward these customers.


Word Of Mouth Marketing

One of the most powerful marketing methods are your own customers spreading the word. Promio can encourage this.


Increase your social reach

Promio helps your store to grow by empowering your customers to socially market your store for you and become your influencers. Any customer (first time or existing, your choice!) can access a reward or discount in return for sharing your store to their social media audience.

Did you know that customers are more likely to make a first time purchase if they get rewarded for it? Promio allows you to reward these customers.

One of Promio's most powerful social media marketing features facilitates your own customers to share your store with the world. Suddenly, one sale can multiply as each customer shares your store with their network of potentially 1000's and so on.


  • Increase your store's virality across social media networks
  • Turn your traffic & customers into Influencers
  • Increase first-time customer purchases
  • Reward your customers for their efforts
  • Leverage your customers audience through powerful word of mouth
  • Increase your traffic and sales from social media platforms

Get Started

Just install the App and thats it. Compatible with any theme! If you have any issues, check out the documentation or drop us a support request.

Why Promio?

Promio can increase your store's conversion rate and first-time customer purchase. Not only that, the potential reach from the social based sharing could net you multiple sales from every single share. Promio will end up paying for itself with the increase in average order value it brings, a no brainer!

See the app in action

Explore how the app works in an example store.

7-day free trial


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