Related Products & Blogs

Related Products & Blogs - shopify app

Zestard Technologies

Let display relevant products and relevant blog posts.
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Multiple features at Ease

Simple and single window interface to make advance and multiple settings for related blogs & products.


Aware About Related Items

Showing related information on products and blogs will help to increase sales with giving proper details of the other similar items.


Reduce Allocation Time

Facility to allocate randomly products & blogs vice versa with just one click where stores have huge product counts.


Related Product & Blogs

  • Display Relevant products of your store on your Shopify blog posts.
  • Display Relevant blog posts of your store on your Shopify product.
  • Fully customizable, fast, and quick to install.
  • Improve SEO and Site internal linking through products & blog posts synchronization.
  • Related Products & Blog posts are the essential blogging app for getting the most out of your article content, keeping your browsers engaged and ultimately converting readers into shoppers.
  • Related Products & Blog posts is the perfect App for stores with existing Blogs or existing products for stores, looking to start a listing in the slider feature-rich way.

Key Features

  1. Keep your visitors engaged in your Blog, by displaying Related products in a Responsive slider that uses a weighted rule set to ensure the most relative match and vise-versa.
  2. Display as a Fullwidth Slider / Sidebar Slider / Full width list / Sidebar list with different look and feel.
  3. Automatically match and display in a Responsive slider, the most relative products to your blog posts content so that your readers become your shoppers!
  4. Leverage your blog posts by displaying relevant products such as reviews in your Product pages.
  5. Responsive Sliders that are also suitable for sidebar layouts.
  6. Automatically build internal site links essential to SEO.
  7. Caption your blog posts images in an easy manner that leads to better visitor impression and experience.
  8. Set alternative and co-authors for your Blog article without being limited by Shopify account creation.
  9. Deep customization options.
  10. The extensive and detailed knowledge base for all facets of install and setup.
  11. Gold plated support – no site too big or too small. No charge install assistance for all!
  12. Simple intuitive management interface.
  13. User-friendly & Easy to use.

See the app in action

Explore how the app works in an example store.

7-day free trial


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