
SafeShop - shopify app


Protect your customers from hidden credit card theft
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No More Security Gaps

Protect your customers' credit card information from security gaps hidden from standard security checks.


Stop Suspicious Activity

Third parties (like apps and custom themes) can bring in risk. Keep an eye on them to make sure nothing suspicious is happening.


Worry-Free Customer Security

We know cybersecurity. Think of otto SafeShop as your Security Specialist, so you can get back to business.


Start Secure & Stay Secure!

Now that you’re ready to tell customers about your cool new online store, don’t forget to make sure you show them the love by starting off with a solid security plan. As an entrepreneur, you’re used to taking risks, but security risks that could damage your brand reputation and customer trust are the kind of risks you can and should avoid, at all costs.

Security is a shared responsibility and for good reason.

You’ve started out on the right road to success by choosing one of the world’s leading eCommerce platforms with a great reputation for taking security seriously, but remember the journey has just begun.

Here are just a few of the types of modern risks that create the biggest challenges for online stores and shoppers:

  • Data skimming
  • Data leaks
  • DOM-based XSS
  • Malicious code injections

The leading causes of these attacks aren’t caused typically by security flaws or vulnerabilities in the back-end platforms, but actually by code flaws brought in by customizations, third-party vendors, and out-of-date jQuery libraries.

With great customization comes great responsibility.

No one expects you to become a security expert but taking the extra care to protect your customers doesn’t mean you have to be.

Install otto SafeShop to enable an extra layer of security for you and your customers. Automated security monitoring and protection from common attacks provide the peace of mind for you to grow your business. Add custom functionality and business intelligence code, analytics, ads, and other service-based application code (Third-Party JavaScript) and ottoSafeShop will provide the real-time monitoring, detection, and protection you need to keep your site secure.

See the app in action

Explore how the app works in an example store.

14-day free trial


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