Sales Team

Sales Team - shopify app

Chief Software Solutions

Increase sales by adding Sales Team to your store
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Back-office for each Sales Rep

On your store front, under your branding, each rep gets a back office to access tools and reports to makes sales and check their commission.


Get 6 key sales features

Give your team all sales features in one app. Invoicing, manage customers, wholesale, affiliate links, affiliate discounts and team managers


Flexible commission structure

Choose the commission structure that works for you. We offer commission per rep, per product, per profit margin. Get detailed reporting.


Every successful business needs a sales team and with the best tools to do their job and bring in orders for you. With the Sales Team app by Chief Software Solutions, we provide an end to end solution to manage your sales team and give your team the necessary tools to be successful. And all this under your store front/brand name!

Back office for each rep

Once you install and setup the app, each rep will get a back-office on your store front and can access the features you select.

Your sales representatives will simply need to login to your online storefront to access their back-office from the accounts page.

Get 6 key features in a single app

No need to install one app for each sales feature you need. Select any/all of the following features that you need.

  • Send Invoices to Clients : Your sales reps can send invoices to clients and get a commission when the invoices are paid.

  • Assign customers to reps: Tag customers to reps or let reps add customers. If tagged customer makes a purchase then reps get a commission

  • Affiliate links : Each sales rep gets their own affiliate link which they can share and market on their social media.

  • Affiliate Discount coupon: Each sales rep gets their own unique discount coupon code, which they can share and get a commission when its used

  • Place Wholesale orders : sales reps can purchase products at wholesale prices and then sell them forward at retail price, hence making a profit.

  • Create Team Managers: Assign reps to rep managers, so that your army of reps can be easily managed by few managers. Managers can add reps to your store

Choose the commission structure that you need

Give commission per rep or per product or product type or profit margin. Need more flexibility, contact our support.


Get detailed reporting on the admin side to manage your team. Each rep gets reporting for their sales, customers and commissions on their back office. Reps will not have access to other rep's reporting data.


We take pride in providing support to our clients. Schedule a call with us from the admin side for a demo , setup help or general consultation.

We also have faq's and videos to help you and your sales team to get setup and start getting sales!


We also offer customization services to customize the app according to your store's business model. Few customization done by us:

  • Customize the sales rep sign up page
  • Add list of reps on cart page
  • Customized commission structure based on your requirements
  • Customized reporting

  • NOTE: we track the commission payouts, but we do NOT manage the commission payouts. (paypal integration coming soon!)


  • This app is currently available in English and Spanish only. Please contact support for other languages.

See the app in action

Explore how the app works in an example store.

14-day free trial


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